Functional training – Learn all about this modality!

Functional training is still a new modality in the world of physical activities, but it is gaining more and more fans.

Unlike some existing workouts, the functional one differs by adding natural movements that the body already performs on a daily basis, but in an intense and strategic way.

So, as a result of this, fat burning and muscle mass gain happens in a few weeks.

Due to the undeniable results and wide dissemination of this training, it is natural that people seek to know more about it. So, as a way to help, below is everything you need about this modality.


But what is functional training anyway?

Functional training is a much more dynamic exercise modality than conventional training.

That’s because, it is characterized by uniting different physical abilities in a single activity.

In this way, it encompasses a set of movements that are very similar to the exercises in your routine, which are organized within a kind of circuit that encompasses the body as a whole.

Some of the common practices of this training:

  • Squat;
  • To jump;
  • Run and others

Obviously, the selection of exercises is established according to their functionality.

However, the objective is not to work isolated muscles, as in gyms, for example, but the whole body, precisely to make your day to day easier.

You know that back pain you feel when you spend a lot of time sitting in the wrong posture? The intention is to make your body no longer need to go through this.

Like other existing modalities, this training requires planning and takes into account several factors, such as intensity, duration of sessions, recovery break, food, etc.

By moving the body as a whole, it is natural that functional training helps with weight loss and muscle mass gain.

What is it for?

As mentioned, the main objective of functional training is to enhance, as well as transform, your ability to perform routine activities.

Therefore, it is not limited to working only one specific muscle, but the entirety.

For example, when jumping rope during workouts you are not using just one leg muscle.

The reality is that the process is quite complete and complex, since you use the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory systems, among others.

With this, movements work flexibility, strength, motor coordination and even balance.

To that end, sequences of activities include slow activities to promote better execution of sudden and rapid movements.

Difference to other modalities

Functional training, as it is more intense training that focuses on free and natural movements of your body, tends to differ a lot from other existing exercises.

The differences between functional training and bodybuilding, for example, are many, ranging from exercise duration, frequency and even intensity.

Those who like more dynamic activities generally tend to opt for functional activities rather than weight training, which can be seen as monotonous and difficult to adapt.

Only three days a week and with one hour available, you can move your whole body efficiently, without the need for hours and hours of training and long series with weights, for example.

Functional training benefits

By having a greater complexity of movements and involving the whole body, it is natural that functional training has several benefits. Discover the main ones below!

Weight loss help

With all the combinations of activities within the same workout, it’s simple and easy to spend the calories needed to lose weight.

However, like any modality, weight loss does not depend only on training, but also on a healthy and adequate diet.

Strengthens the muscles

Exercise is known to leave the body completely defined and toned. All without the need to dedicate yourself to more specific activities for the belly or legs, for example.

By the way, when comparing functional training with bodybuilding, for example, it is possible to notice that it activates many more muscle fibers.

Soothes back pain

Did you know that one of the main reasons for back pain is the lack of strength to support the trunk region, the core?

So, functional training strategies act directly in this area, since they are based on basic exercises, which need stability to be performed.

Improves posture

Maintaining an upright posture is a difficulty presented by most people.

However, even in this functional training helps, as it promotes body awareness.

Through this modality you create the habit of aligning the hips, neck and shoulders, and contracting the abdomen region.

Works the whole body at once

Most of the exercises practiced in functional training work the body as a whole, integrating the legs and arms.

A very basic example of this is the squat with the use of dumbbells. In a single activity you work the abdomen, legs and arms.

More flexibility

Flexibility is recurrent in functional training, since the movements are made in a full amplitude. Which helps in stretching the muscles.

In addition, this modality may have flexibility as its main objective and be specifically aimed at this purpose as well.

Much more dynamic

The series of exercises are not physical, as in bodybuilding, for example, which makes training much more dynamic.

So you work the body completely, without having to limit yourself to just one area, which makes training diverse.

Cardiorespiratory work

In addition to being excellent training to help strengthen muscles, functional training is also known to work the cardiorespiratory system.

This is because the activities require speed in carrying out and time spent there, which automatically increases the heart rate according to the intensity.

In addition, there are also other benefits of functional training, such as:

  • Decreases the chances of injuries;
  • Improves physical conditioning;
  • Helps with balance and motor coordination;
  • Low impact;
  • Helps to reduce joint pain.


Functional training is a modality that suits your needs, so it can be practiced by anyone.

When done correctly and under professional guidance, you enjoy all the benefits that have been known here.