The best Low Carb Recipes to stay on the diet

Having trouble sticking to your low carb diet? So, you need to know some Low Carb recipes so you don’t get out of line with your food plan.

Contrary to what you might imagine, these recipes don’t require elaborate ingredients, you can use what you have at home in your pantry.

In addition, the preparation is very simple, just follow each of the steps of the Low Carb recipes correctly and the result will be a delicious and healthy dish. So come with us to check out these amazing recipes!


Zucchini spaghetti

This is one of the easiest Low Carb recipes to prepare, as it only requires two basic and healthy ingredients, indicated within a low carb diet.


  • 200 grams of zucchini;
  • 1 garlic cloves;
  • Olive oil and salt to taste.

Method of preparation

You need to cut the zucchini into thin slices, so that it looks like spaghetti. So, done that, give the grated garlic in a strand of olive oil.

Then turn off the heat and add the zucchini, in the still hot skillet, mix well and sprinkle with a little salt to taste. If you want, you can add a sauce of your choice, as long as it’s healthy.

Spinach omelet

Eggs are healthy as they are rich in protein, helping with satiety and strengthening cells. Within a low carb diet, they are mandatory. Therefore, nothing better than making a recipe that uses this ingredient, as is the case with the spinach omelette.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 cup spinach;
  • 1 tbsp creamy cottage cheese;
  • 1 chopped onion;
  • Oil;
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.

Method of preparation

In a pan add the olive oil and sauté the butter until it begins to wither. Then add the chopped spinach and continue to sauté for 2 minutes. Now add the cottage cheese, salt and black pepper, stirring well and reserving right away.

Now is the time to beat the eggs with salt and pepper and grease a frying pan with olive oil, bringing this mixture to medium heat, browning both sides.

So, that stuffing that you reserved earlier, just spread it on the omelet, folding it in half and consuming it, either for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Zucchini bruschetta

The Zucchini Bruschetta is one of those excellent Low Carb recipes for lunch, as it is healthy and has a very quick preparation: in 20 minutes it is ready.


  • Zucchini in slices already pre-cooked;
  • 2 tomatoes also in slices;
  • 250 grams of cheese of your choice;
  • Olive oil for greasing;
  • Salt, kingdom pepper and olive oil to taste;
  • Oregano.

Method of preparation

Just like the Low Carb recipes we mentioned earlier, this one is very easy to make. To begin with, you just need to place the zucchinis in a greased mold, seasoning them with pepper and salt.

Then add a little olive oil to each zucchini slice and add a tomato slice, adding pepper and salt to the tomatoes.

In each tomato add cheese, drizzle with olive oil and do not forget to sprinkle the oregano. Finally, just put it in the oven for about 10 minutes. Ready, your snack can now be served.

Stuffed Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is that standard ingredient in a Low Carb diet, as it has low-glycemic carbohydrates that contribute to faster weight loss. So, nothing better than preparing a recipe that uses this ingredient, right?


  • 4 sweet potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • Garlic clove;
  • Spinach leaves;
  • dented ricotta;
  • Oil;
  • Black pepper, salt and parsley to taste.

Method of preparation

First, wrap each sweet potato in aluminum foil and bake in a greased pan for about 1 hour or until tender. When cooling, make a superficial cut in the potato, always in the sense of length and then reserve it.

Now is the time to prepare the stuffing. In this case, heat the oil and add the onion and garlic, sautéing for about 2 minutes. Then, also add the spinach and transfer the mixture to a container, also including the ricotta.

Thus, season this mixture with salt, kingdom pepper and parsley. Now all you have to do is distribute the stuffing over the sweet potatoes that you cut earlier, taking it back to the oven in a greased form for 10 minutes.


Maintaining a diet doesn’t have to be torture, you just need to know how to prepare your own healthy dishes and here you can find the best Low Carb recipes that are simple and delicious.