Best profitable small business ideas- With low investments.

How many times have you thought about having your own business, gaining financial independence and still being in the comfort of your home with your family, but you always thought that dream was impossible, because you thought it took a lot of money to start a business. Undertaking is the dream of many people and we are here to tell you that this dream can be fulfilled through small profitable businesses!

Let’s talk about profitable small businesses that you can start today without having to leave your home. So if you are looking for profitable business ideas with investments of less than R$500 reais, you are definitely in the right place!

In this article, I’m going to introduce you to some great ideas for very profitable businesses to start right away that you can develop from home. The first step is to know that there are segments that are more profitable than others and you need to study all the opportunities before choosing and having something profitable.

So let’s go, talk about the trends and ideas of profitable small businesses that can help you a lot.


1-Food in the pot

This is an excellent deal because more and more people have no time to cook and are looking for more nutritious food, and food in pots (glass) in addition to being portable, hygienic and recyclable are also attractive for their price and appearance.

You have several food options in the pot and you can choose the one that is most in demand among your customers. The most famous options are:

  • Cake in the pot;
  • Salad in the pot;
  • Fruit salad in the pot;
  • Cookie;
  • Cheesecake;
  • Italian straw;
  • Brownie;
  • Gingerbread;
  • Pies;
  • Stuffed potatoes;
  • Noodle;
  • Pies;
  • Ambrosia;
  • Panettone;
  • Pudding and much more, just use your creativity!

There are many profitable small business options with food in the jar, you can start with one and then expand your business by doing several.

The good news is that the investment is low, because in the beginning you will basically need the products, packaging and your workforce of course!

2- Phone repair and maintenance

Cell phone repair and maintenance is one of the best profitable small businesses as many people look for this type of service.

We know that today it is almost impossible for a person not to have a cell phone and we also know that over time they start to have problems, and generally the person prefers to first look for a repair before buying a new one, even because the investment to buy a new one it is much taller.

You can start these profitable small businesses by investing in a good online course to learn and specialize in cell phone repair. A good tip is to start by fixing your friends and family’s cell phones, so they can talk about your great work to other people.

3- Commemorative baskets

Profiting from the sale of commemorative baskets is totally possible. You can start by investing in the basics, which are baskets and products. One of the biggest advantages is not having to have a stock, because once you sell and receive orders you will buy what is needed for each basket.

You can create baskets of different types such as:

  • Breakfast basket, fruit and wine basket;
  • Baskets for all commemorative dates such as birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day, Easter basket, Valentine’s day, and much more.

Use your creativity to assemble each basket using colorful paper, flowers and eye-catching materials and it will be a sure hit!

Photograph each one you make, so that they remain as a suggestion for the next customer. You can also advertise on your social networks, making more people aware of your product!

4- Beauty

The beauty market has always been on the rise, being one of the best profitable small businesses, the most traditional and sought after by consumers.

It is not necessary to own a beauty salon to work in this field, it is possible to start at home or at home, for example with customer service offering services of:

  • Manicure;
  • Pedicure;
  • Makeup;
  • Massage;
  • Hair cut and hydration;
  • Hair removal;
  • Skin treatments;
  • Eyelash placement;
  • Facial massage, and much more.

For those who want to invest little money and achieve professional independence, there are several courses available and accessible for their professionalization that allow performing these procedures in a safe and qualified way.

However, with this diversity of areas, the beauty business is considered one of the best and most profitable on the market!

5- Fitness lunch box

Investing in selling fitness lunchboxes is a great business opportunity since more and more people are looking for a healthy and balanced diet, with the day-to-day rush many do not have time to cook their own food and so they choose to buy lunchboxes fitness.

So you can take advantage of this market, producing delicious fitness and healthy lunchboxes, doing good advertising especially the word-of-mouth of people who started consuming your products. But remember that as much as people seek practicality, they don’t give up eating good food rich in flavor and products.

You can also promote it on your social networks with beautiful photos and menu suggestions, so that more and more people can get to know and buy your lunchboxes.

6- Children’s Crafts

More and more people have valued craftsmanship, everything that is handmade has more value and can cost more, this has encouraged many artisans to create more and more new things, especially in the children’s area.

When it comes to small profitable businesses, children’s crafts are the main ones, you just need to know what type of creation is ideal for your skills and specialize in it.

Children’s handicrafts are a very wide market, you can choose from crochet or knitted clothes, personalized crib protectors, decor-themed rugs, booties, bows, tiaras, door ornaments, souvenirs, hygiene kits, maternity bags and a lot more.

Because everything involving children has that touch of cuteness and delicacy that can earn you good money.

Study the market, understand the demand to make a more targeted production and start creating beautiful and creative products, because the more beautiful and personalized they are, the more successful your products will be!

Profitable small business

The secret to having a successful business, whether big or small, is to focus on the quality of the product you are offering, focus on your customer’s satisfaction and happiness in relation to your product.

Offering customers what they need, meeting their expectations makes it much more likely that they will continue to buy from you, after all, a happy and satisfied customer is the best marketing your small profitable business can have!